Italian Citizenship Assistance

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Italian Law Firm

We Offer Advisory Services to achieve the Italian Citizenship
30′ Free Phone Eligibility Consultation
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Consulting Services

Are you dreaming of getting Italian Citizenship? Do you have Italian grandparents or ancestors? Are you married with an Italian citizen? In both cases we can assist you with the Italian Citizenship application.

Conte PLLC is an Italian Law Firm based in US (Miami-FL) with an italian office in Naples (Napoli) Italy. Our firm is mainly specialized with any Italian Citizenship application. We also provide legal services with any Italian Law related matters. Our Italian lawyers, along with the rest of our team of experts, can assist you to determine whether or not you are eligible for dual Italian Citizenship.

We offer an initial 30′ free phone call consultation, in order to understand whether you can qualify for Italian citizenship (both jure sanguinis and jure matrimonii); then, we follow up with you about the application process, assisting you with the requests of all mandatory documents from every Italian municipalities and Government offices. Below, the list of our legal services:

  • assistance with any Italian Citizenship application (jure sanguinis, jure matrimonii, reacquisition, renounce, and naturalization);
  • assistance to fill out all the consular forms;
  • assistance with any mandatory documents’ research/request both here in US and in Italy;
  • assistance with Apostille certificate request;
  • assistance with translation services for any non-English document.

Our goal is to let you know immediately during the free 30′ phone call if you qualify or not for claiming italian citizenship: no fees to pay and no forms to fill, just a quick chat for studying your situation.

Request your 30′ free phone consultation and get the eligibility questionnaire now!


The main benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship are:

  • The right to live, study or work in all European Union territories, without the need to file any visa or permanent residency;
  • The right to transfer Italian citizenship to your children under 18 years of age;
  • Getting much simpler the process of buying properties in Italy;
  • Tax-free imports for vehicles from U.S. to Italy;
  • Access to public education and healthcare service as an european citizen.

You have just to call us or leave your contact details in order to schedule a free 30′ phone consultation aimed to get an elibigility assessment.

Request your 30′ free phone consultation and get the eligibility questionnaire now!

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    Alessandro Conte - Attorney specialized in Italian dual citizenship
    Italian Passport
    Miami landscape
    Naples downtown landscape


    Italian Citizenship by descent – Iure Sanguinis

    Italian citizenship – Jure Sanguinis – (through Italian parents/ancestors) can be passed on from one generation to the next with no limitations, provided that:

    1. The ancestor born in Italy was an Italian citizen at the time of his descendants’ birth;
    2. Neither the applicant nor any of his ancestors by lineal consanguinity, indirect line of descent from the ancestor, have ever renounced to their Italian citizenship.

    Ancestors born in Italy who became naturalized citizens of another country before June 14, 1912, lost their Italian citizenship along with the Italian citizenship of their minor children (under the age of 21), including those born outside of Italy.

    Italian women began to transmit their Italian citizenship to their children, beginning January 1, 1948 (Constitution of the Italian Republic). An individual born prior to January 1, 1948, can claim Italian citizenship only through his/her father as long as the father did not become a naturalized citizen of a country (other than Italy) prior to the claimant’s birth. Applicants born prior to January 1, 1948, who wish to claim their Italian citizenship through descent from the mother, can only file their application through the Italian courts.

    Italian Citizenship by marriage – Iure Matrimonii

    The Italian citizenship by marriage or civil union (same-sex-marriage) is regulated by the following requirements:

    1. The couple must be married for a minimum of three years (if residing abroad), but the time is reduced by half if the couple has children (including adopted children). If the spouse (foreign national) resides in Italy, he/she can apply after 2 years of legal residency.
    2. The marriage must be intact, because in case of interruption due to separation, divorce, annulment, or death the naturalization shall be forfeit.
    3. The marriage must have registered at the Comune in Italy if celebrated overseas.
    4. The Italian spouse must be registered in the Registry of Italians citizens Resident Abroad (A.I.R.E.).
    5. Previous criminal convictions of the foreign spouse (if any) which may disqualify the applicant, will be discussed separately.
    6. The applicant must be proficient in the Italian language – level B1 or higher – of the EU Language Framework.